WINDpage WIND Homepage

Thanks for stopping by the WIND website.
Here you'll find stuff including how to order music, stories behind songs, interviews and upcoming live events.
If you've recently seen us and are visiting for the first time, like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram & Twitter (below) - we'd love to hear from you!

RECENT MUSIC!! Now available on Bandcamp


Live On The Prog & Rock Show July 29, 2020 (EP) - FREE Download!

PROGression - A 25-Year Progressive Rock Retrospective


who we are



albums - covers, lyrics, credits & song comments

media - reviews, interviews, etc.

forestgreen studio

tour pics

"say yes" session 2002

Ⓒ2020 Nori and Barbie Kelley. WIND logo by Cris Mahy, Grapevine Design Studio. Photos by Katie Finlayson.